mardi 8 janvier 2008

N°1 The start, The Greetings

I was thinking about how I would start teaching people some useful words. And then it hit me.
What about Greetings ? They are the most common, and useful words in a new country.

If you don't know how to say "Hello", "Good Night" and all the traditional words, it will be much much harder to try speaking with somebody.

So here we go,
Class N°1, The Greetings.

Hello , Hi - Salut
Welcome - Bienvenue
Good day - Bonjour
Good evening - Bonsoir
Good night - Bonne nuit

Good bye, bye - Au revoir
See you soon - A bientôt
See you later - A toute à l'heure

Please - S'il vous plaît, s'il te plaît
Thank you - Merci
Your welcome - De rien
Excuse me - Excusez-moi, Pardonnez-moi, Excuse-moi, Pardonne-moi
Congratulations - Félicitations
Good Luck - Bonne chance

Sir - Monsieur
Madam - Madame
Miss - Mademoiselle

Here we go for the first post about teaching french, I hope you found them usefeul and please, tell me what you think.

I will keep posting some articles about speaking french today, so feel free to ask any questions.

If you want to improve your skill even more, you can buy one of the book I am offering in the "Links" section.

Best Regards

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